The Journal

The Pro Guide to Juices Cleanses

One way to kick off the New Year is with a juice cleanse. Wash away all of that holiday feasting and over indulging and fast track your health back to a sense of balance and well being. Juice Cleanses are different for everyone, and we always preach that experiences are subjective to each person, so there’s no one right way to do it. However, after trying multiple cleanses and getting feedback from countless customers, we have a good understanding of how to help make The Juice Cleanse a successful, rewarding and fun experience for almost anyone.

Here are our top 10 tips to have your best Juice Cleanse experience.

#1 - Throw out any expectations.

The mental aspect to any change in your diet can often be that toughest part, especially if it's your first time trying something. Go in with an open and clear mind and be flexible with your expectations.

#2 - Eat food and drink smoothies.

Going back to point number one, some people create a belief that if you eat food you’re cheating or not doing it right. Some people are fine with just liquids, others need to supplement their cleanse with food. There is no right or wrong with this. The only right, is listening to your body. If you want or need some solids with your juice cleanse, add in as much raw or steamed plant based food as you want. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds...are all great in creating the best cleanse experience. Warm veggie broths and herbal teas are ideal while cleansing in the winter months. If you want to stick to liquids, having a smoothie is the perfect way to add some extra fibre and sustenance to your cleanse. Having extra fibre added to your diet will only make your cleanse experience better.

#3 - Juice Cleanses are not a diet.

It's a juice cleanse, not a juice diet. In all likelihood you will lose some water weight, but it will likely come back. We think of Juice Cleanses as a step to get your diet back on track and to break any food addictions. This is one reason we love doing a cleanse after the holidays. Nip all of those sugar cravings in the bud and leave any holiday hangover in 2016. Juice Cleanses are an amazing way to set your pallette up to crave clean, healthy foods and keep you on the right path for a sustained approach to health and wellness.

#4 - Prep yourself to succeed.

Do not binge the night before your cleanse. Help yourself out and ease into your cleanse and prepare your body or else your first day could be a little tough. No reason to make a cleanse any harder than it needs to be. Start eating a clean(er) diet a few days before your cleanse. Try to stick to a plant based diet leading up to your cleanse and cut out meat, refined and processed sugar, caffeine, dairy and alcohol, even if it’s just for a few days before your cleanse. If you’re caffeine cravings prove to be too strong, opt for a bit of espresso or a matcha tea over the other caffeinated options. A good prep game is the #1 way to have an amazing experience on your cleanse.

#5 - Take a moment to relax.

It’s important to honour yourself during any cleanse. Give yourself the necessary amount of time to take a breath and relax. Go for a walk, try some meditation, get to a yoga class, run yourself a bath or hit up a sauna. That’s what works for us, but relaxation is different for everyone. Hit up a movie, Netflix and actually chill… do whatever hitting the pause button looks like for you.

#6 - Make it work for you.

We’re all different and have unique needs. For example, during the colder months, to keep your digestion warm add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of warming spices to your juices— ginger, cayenne, nutmeg, turmeric or cinnamon are a few of our favourite examples. If you want to spread your juice out for a longer duration, add some water with some of your juice to avoid any spikes of hunger. Adding in a probiotic at the end of the day is a good way to keep your digestive system flowing and feeling great. If you have your own tricks or preferences, add them in and make your cleanse work best for you.  

#7 - Get a good sleep

Your body is detoxing and needs rest. 8 hours of sleep is generally a good goal, but make sure you’re hitting it while on your cleanse. It’s amazing what a good night's sleep can do for you.

#8 - Have fun!

We like to do Juice Cleanses with friends. Those who juice together, stay together. Working towards a health goal collectively makes it a fun group activity. Share your success and your challenges, maybe even do some yoga as a team. We also always enjoy watching some mindful documentaries to keep our minds sharp and motivated. Cowspiracy, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, Forks Over Knives, What the Health and Food Choices are some of our favourites. Book wise, check out The China Study, How Not To Die or Eating Animals. If you’re into podcasts The Rich Roll Podcast is amazing!

#9 - It’s just as important what you do after your cleanse.

You spent three to seven days getting your body back on track. Why ruin it and go back to where you started? You’ll probably be craving clean, whole foods, but do your best to stick to as much of a plant based diet as you can. Avoid any processed foods and you’ll maintain that amazing energy you felt during your cleanse!

#10 - Be proud of yourself!

Yes! Once you’re done your cleanse, you should be proud of yourself for going the distance. It's an accomplishment. Own it and wear your post cleanse glow proudly!

For more info on Juice Cleanses head to our cleanse section at

Lastly - we have a BOXING WEEK SALE until January 2nd, 2018 on all of our Juice Cleanses. Take advantage of the promotion and book any of your 2018 Juice Cleanses now for 15% off.