Our Top 10 Vancouver Instagram Accounts for Mind/Body Wellness

There’s no doubt about it- Vancouver is a hub for the wellness movement. Is it the mountain air and ocean breeze that somehow mixes together and then intoxicates people into running kilometre after kilometre? Or is it the constant rain-induced melancholy that forces us to find happiness in the form of deliciously healthy food and meditation? Either way, we’ve assembled some of the best local Instagram accounts that you should be following to inspire mind + body wellness...Read more

What Your Juice Truck Order Says About You

 Written by Erika Preece

Admit it. We’ve all been enticed by click bait quizzes and ridiculous articles on the Internet such as “what type of bread are you?” or “a makeup quiz that reveals what age you’ll get married” (*actual titles seen online). So click away, friends, and let’s find out what your smoothie order at the Juice Truck TRULY reveals about you. 

The Green Protein

*Exaggerated clapping* Well, look at you! Congratulations on being an athlete. You probably went to a 6 am spin class and now need that protein boost to get you through to post-work pilates. You likely have the latest Lululemon gear, your trainer is in your close circle of friends, and you silently judge people who spend their weekends “just relaxing”. Bonus points if you nix the medjool date in this classic bestseller smoothie, although that always makes us wonder if maybe you are a calculated serial killer.

The Blueberry Matcha

Matcha seems to be an acquired taste for some, so clearly you must be an exotic, enlightened being with a well-developed palate. The cacao nibs just add an extra level of self-realization. Netflix and chill? Please. Your idea of a Saturday night in probably consists of meditation, reading Kafka, and cooking a recipe you learned from the locals during a casual trek through the Himalayas.

The Strawberry Coconut

This creamy concoction is basically an adult version of the milkshakes you drank as a kid many summers ago. Sure, ours is clean and doesn’t have any “dairy beverage” in it, but obviously you have a foot planted firmly in the past. Your favourite activities likely include rollerblading the seawall, playing board games at Storm Crow, shamefully hiding your Pokemon addiction, and filling out adult colouring books. We salute you for keeping the dream alive!

The Green Smoothie

This one is a deception. Many people associate green smoothie drinkers with the epitome of health. Well, guess what! I know your secret. I know that your green smoothie habit is not to complement your clean eating ways. On the contrary, the green smoothie is the easiest and tastiest way to basically eat a big salad in smoothie form; thus making you feel healthy and light to justify the taco binge from the weekend. It’s cool, we don’t judge… just invite us on that taco binge next time.

The Banana Turmeric

Some “S” words to describe you, because who doesn’t love alliteration: sweet, sensitive, and slightly spicy. A Banana Turmeric type will lend the shirt off their back, but don’t you dare interrupt their zen time, talk badly about one of their friends, or mention that you don’t believe in climate change.  Favourite hobbies include perusing farmers markets, volunteering, working out their spicy side in yoga, and listening to heavy rap behind closed doors. Appearances aren’t always what they seem, right?!

The Almost Chocolate

If this quiz also considered the signs of the zodiac, you would probably fit the description of a classic Scorpio. Mysterious, intense, and pleasure seeking, you are not the type to pass up one of the most delicious concoctions on our menu. You Almost Chocolate types are the ones who “don’t subscribe to labels of society”, a.k.a you probably won’t text back for a few months before sending a cryptic “sup?” But that’s okay, because you’re fun, and people appreciate when you’re around even if it’s fleeting.

The Tropical Green

Ah, friend. Why are you always wishing you were somewhere else!? This past winter in Vancouver was a doozy, for certain, but the public may be getting bored of your #TBT vacation pictures. Either invest in some cross-country skis to get you through, or finally make the move to Cuba with that resort staff member you met circa 2009 and won’t stop talking about. In the meantime, we’re okay with you binge-drinking this sweet and tangy smoothie while you listen to salsa music on repeat. Just put the photos away. And take us to Cuba if you go.

The CocoMatcha

Coco-Matchas smoothies are basically the it-girl/boy/person of our menu. Brand-new, delicious, and pretty-looking, this smoothie is being snatched up by those seeking Instagram likes and a matcha-induced buzz that will last through the afternoon. If you’re a fan of our latest concoction, you likely exhibit some novelty-seeking behaviour and are usually the last to leave a party. We thank you kindly for the free hype, and make sure to keep coming back so you’re the first to know when even more recipes are released!


Erika Preece is a Vancouver newbie hailing from Waterloo, Ontario. Besides mastering her smoothie skills, you can catch her wearing a nerdy helmet biking the sea wall, feeding her friends, learning how to garden, or reading Tom Robbins.

The Best of the Best with Andy and Mike Zaremba from Float House

The renegades of float; Brothers Andy and Mike Zaremba pioneered the modern sensory deprivation tank movement when they launched Float House in Gastown in 2013. The float scene has since exploded and they have continued to be on the forefront growing to locations in Kitsilano, Langley, Surrey, Victoria and Edmonton. Beyond floating, these brothers are community creators and constant seekers of conscious evolution... to the point that they created one of Vancouver's top podcasts aptly named Vancouver Real where they constantly expanding perspectives with a variety of thought leaders and industry makers from Gabor Maté to Wim Hoff to Meghan Currie. We sat down with Mike and Andy to chat their Best of the Best:

(Andy left, Mike right) 

Daily Breakfast:

Mike: I always wake up and I squeeze some lemon and have some lemon water and then I’ll meditate for 20-30 minutes. I sit and breathe…more of a Vipassana style but I switch it up by the day. Lots of breathe awareness.

On the go Snack:

Andy: My go to is a bar that is just on the verge of being released, called The Grind Bar. It’s a CBD energy bar…amazing for focus, for calming and for energy. It also greatly reduces pain and inflammation. 

How do you Supplement your diet:

Andy: Multivitamin and I switch up my variety. I take them as I feel that there’s so much that I could be missing if I don’t take them. We don’t necessarily know the nutrient density of the food we’re eating anymore. It helps me cover the spectrum of what my body needs. I take BCAA’s after a workout to help cover the protein spectrum and I also use Onnit Alpha Brain for cognitive function.

Mike: Brain Evolve. Basically, it’s an all-natural nootropic designed towards concussions and brain injuries. It’s the first concussion treatment supplement you can take. It helps with inflammation and you take it at night for a recovery agent.

Can’t live without:

Mike: My meditation. When I meditate. I’m one step ahead of the day, when I don’t, I’m one step behind. There’s a lot of spontaneity in my day and meditation keeps me more equipped for whatever the day brings.

Andy: Feeding my brain knowledge. Taking in as much as I can. I always have a podcast or audiobook on in the background. I’m always consuming information. Social sciences and personal development stuff. The brain is like a dot connecting machine. The more dots that you gather info for, the more connections you make. Dr. Jordan Petersen is a guy I’m really into right now. He’s a different flavour of phycology. Then I’ll contrast that with a little Ram Dass.

Top Podcasts/ Essential Listening:

Mike: Psychedelic Salon (#497 Bernardo Kastrop, #477 Matthew Souther)
Andy: Joe Rogan (#946 Denis Mackenna and Dr. Jordan Petersen), London Real, Sam Harris ( #71 what is technology doing to us, Tristan Harris), You are not So Smart (#91 Learned Helplessness), ReWild Yourself.

What does balance look like:

Mike: Balance is Being in this world and culture and fulfilling those needs while also exploring the beyond, into the potential of who, what and where we are. Having one foot in order while the other is in chaos...think of the Yin-Yang, of order and chaos.

The next big wellness trend is:

Mike: Not sure how BIG it will be, but what I feel is absolutely critical is bringing in and recognizing ritual and ceremonies that are authentic and not commercialized. I believe humans are hardwired to participate in various rituals with clear intention. There seems to me to be a wholistic nature to wellness one gets from bringing in conscious rituals into their life.

Andy: Cannabis and psychedelic medicines. This is more medical then a health trend but could potentially be a big breakthrough with mental health and psychiatry.

Your Hero(s):

Mike: Don Howard Lawler, Shaman & Founder of the Spirit Quest Sanctuary in Iquitos, Peru. 

Andy: My daughter.  She’s been through a lot since the moment she was born. Whenever I feel like I’m having a bad day, I just think back to what she went through and I realize I have nothing to complain about.  

Best Advice you’ve ever received:

Andy: Take on as much responsibility as you can. Life is short. We are here for a finite time, so you might as well challenge yourself. Do something extremely difficult and you will be rewarded in spades. It’s the Heroes Journey; move towards the things that scare you. Slay your inner dragons and you’ll be rewarded by the treasures that those dragons guard.  

Best song to float too:

Mike: anything by Snatam Kaur.

Debunking any Floating myths:

Mike: claustrophobia is a common apprehension but it is very easily conquerable. Lots of people won’t try it because they think they can't when actually they’re in complete control and you can get out whenever you want. It’s a very valuable skill to learn how to empower yourself. It’s a mental projection that many people seem to put onto it before trying floating.

Andy: Once you can get over a fear, it empowers you to tackle your fears vs. hiding them. That’s the empowerment. Instead of sheltering your fears, tackling them head on… within reason. Also, in regards to floating…its not a bucket list thing…you won't experience the benefits if you go once, but if you make it part of your regular routine and you stick with it, it becomes very powerful as you notice yourself gaining control over your own mind. You can gain control over your own thinking. The point is, it’s not a one-off experience. It’s a practice to see the benefits.

Top Guilty Pleasure:

Mike: Fried foods. Streaming Survivor.

Andy: Craft beer

Books that left a mark on you:

Mike: Anatomy of the Spirit and A New Earth.

Andy: Meeting the Shadow.

Top Documentary:

Andy: Zeitgiest. It makes you question. It’s paradigm shifting

Mike: Culture High. Government focused on how they claim to have our best interests but don’t. Also worth watching, a CBC doc called Jungle Prescription.

If you had a super power for 1 day:

Mike: I would give everyone on Earth an overwhelming, undeniable mystical experience to show them all viscerally without a shadow of a doubt that we are all One.

Top Travel Spots:

Mike: Peru. India. Sri Lanka.

Best spot for Dinner:

Mike: Alibi Room, in Railtown.

Andy: Samurai Sushi (Howe and Davie)

Go to Juice or Smoothie:

Mike: the Greener the better for me! My home-made regular smoothie is: spinach, cucumber, fresh ginger, fresh turmeric, coconut oil, hemp hearts, celery, pear, raspberry, blueberries, lemon juice, and water!

Andy: Juice Truck of course!

What’s the future of your podcast?

Andy: To become a hub of information to inspire people to lead the best life possible.  

What’s the future of floating?

Mike: I see floating as an intimate part of a holistic health and wellness lifestyle. It dramatically, and naturally, affects our central nervous system in a very calming & cleansing way. In a day and age with evermore stimuli, especially within an urban environment, I see floating as a way to disconnect from everything externally to reconnect internally. I see floating as a way to introduce Western culture to the inner realms in a very powerful way, much more readily and tangible than yoga and meditation. Floating introduces Stillness and Being unlike anything else without consuming anything. The environment is the medicine.

Your Current Mantra:

Mike: “I can keep my light, and have abundance too.” Meaning I can stay connected with Spirit whilst having a great life, materially speaking. I am saying this mantra as of now to try and reprogram an old belief pattern that I may carry.

Andy: Move towards whatever you resist.