How to Make The Pumpkin Pie Smoothie.

Fall is officially here. With that, pumpkin season has made its arrival. Families are heading out to the farms and patches in search of the perfect pumpkin. You can find Pumpkin pie and pumpkin spice everywhere on everything; from lates, pies, beers, frappucinos. Whether it be it synthetic or organic, home-made or home-brewed, local or imported, store-bought or something your Grandma made. In honor Autumn…the official ‘pumpkin’ time of year, here’s our how-to guide to making the perfect Pumpkin Pie Smoothie.

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Am I Doing It Right?: A Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness & Meditation

Meditation is like learning to surf. You can read up on surfboards, research the best surf spots, perhaps even stand on the beach studying the waves, for as long as you like; but until you dive in, get tossed around, and give it a try, it just doesn’t compare.

The practice of meditation is just that- a practice. Some days are easier, some days are… less easy. So. You may be asking- if it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, why bother doing it?

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Five "Off The Beaten Track" Hikes by Nathaniel Martin

As an avid hiker I’ve always come into nature with great anticipation. This Summer was no exception. Wildlife had returned to the valleys, the last bits of snow had faded away and the trails underneath were revealed. These winding ribbons of pine needles and damp earth have become my sanctuary over the years. They’ve afforded my great opportunities, bitter struggles, valued lessons and treasured moments. Here are some of my favourites.

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